Pi Network is the latest decentralized cryptocurrency project initiated in 2019 by a group of programmers and economists from Stanford. The goal of Pi Network is to create a cryptocurrency ecosystem through the use of smartphones to make it easier to mine cryptocurrency on phones.


One of the highlights of Pi Network is the use of a new mining algorithm called "Proof of Authenticity", instead of Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) like other cryptocurrencies. This allows users to mine Pi on smartphones without consuming as much computing power and resources as other traditional mining methods.


Pi Network is in beta, and users can join by downloading the app from the app store and signing up. Each day, users are allocated a certain amount of Pi during mining, and this amount can increase over time. Currently, Pi Network has no real transactional value and is in the process of development. 


With the goal of creating an open and decentralized cryptocurrency community, Pi Network is attracting the interest of many users around the world. However, to better understand how Pi Network works and its potential, it is important to consult official sources and do thorough research.

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